
Monday, January 31, 2011

Three to Sixteen Inches?

When I woke up this morning, it was all over the news that the Kansas City area was expecting a major snow storm. The prediction was 3-16 inches.

THREE to SIXTEEN inches?!? Um, that's quite a range. Three inches is nothing. Sixteen inches of snow is a crippling weather event in these parts.

This afternoon, the weather service is saying eight to sixteen inches.  We had company this past weekend, so the house is already clean.  There are lots of leftovers in the fridge.  I suppose I'm ready to be snowed in.  I poked around in my great-grandmother's sewing chest for some inspiration this morning.

I've never taken anything from the box.  I just gingerly poke around inside and think of how she would quilt this time of year.  There are lots of old buttons, some still on their original cards.

I love that her sewing box has been left just the way it was when she passed away 12 years ago.

If we don't lose our power tomorrow (unlikely but not impossible), I might spend the day sewing between trips outside to shovel the driveway.

Is snow heading your way?  Are you ready?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my what a treasure you have with your great grandmother's sewing box.....your luckt if your getting the snow we are getting the ice and suppose to get more today and then turn to snow later on....hoping the power stays on for all of us....keep safe and warm
    Have a Blessed day


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