
Friday, May 13, 2011

Love Me, Loves Me Not (and the Bubble Burst)

Are you enjoying being OUTSIDE as much as me?  Beautiful spring days are not to be taken for granted in this part of the country.  But this week we've had temperatures in the 90s, followed by mid-50s with a stiff wind from the north today  Good grief!

No matter, I have had some sewing projects that have been waiting for me while I've played in the garden.  I'm tinkering with a new bag pattern.

The fabric is by Anna Maria Horner.  I wanted a spring bag that was colorful and fun.  Since the reality is spring days can be cold and rainy too, I complemented the main fabric with something a little more subdued.

I love the names of the prints.  The main body is "Loves Me, Loves Me Not."  And the brown accent fabric is "Bubble Burst."

It's a rather appropriate combination, yes?

I know I promised some garden projects last week.  I had expected some of the flowers to be in bloom by now.  We'll just have to be patient.

1 comment:

Will blog for comments! Talk to me.