
Monday, May 7, 2012

Random Garden Thoughts

This is my first post since Blogger changed their dashboard (grumble).

The first weekend of May is traditionally our big planting weekend, with fingers crossed Mother Nature doesn't surprise us in the next 10 days.

This year, we planted the last weekend of March, and the clerk at the nursery warned us about putting the tomatos in the ground.  Snort.  They need to be staked and soon!

The peonies were just about finished blooming Saturday morning. We had heavy rain with a little hail Sunday morning, which probably finished off the blooms.

I'm running out of room in the existing flower beds, so this year I decided to focus on bringing other decorative elements into the garden and doing it for as little money as possible since I have bigger projects I'm saving for now.

Thanks to Craigslist, I scored a trunkload of goodies from someone who was clearing out a garden from an older home last year, including two chippy, rusted wire baskets.  I discovered they looked pretty good nestled inside one another, but I wasn't sure what to put inside it.

I've been taking cuttings from my sedums and starting them in small terra cotta pots.  I feel stupid for ever buying sedums because they are so easy to start from cuttings.  Just cut off a small stalk and stick it potting soil.  So now I have all these little pots of sedum setting around the deck.  Then I rememered those wire baskets.

I picked up a jade plant at the garden center and moved the aloe outside as we do every summer.  Don't they look great clusted together?

More recycled and dumpster-diving finds to come!

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