
Monday, December 10, 2012

Nell Hills Knock-Off

As soon as I saw this on display at Mary Carol Garrity's open house, I knew I could replicate it.

And here's mine:

Lucky for me, I found a decent wreath at my favorite thrift store.  Otherwise I tried to use what I had on hand.  However, I wish I had some of those long pine needles.  I'm on the look out for those.

See those moss balls?  You can see how I made them here.
I'm happy to be able to enjoy my little statue during Christmas.
I'm linking up...


  1. Yeah! I love it. I did my own versions too. How fun! Mary Carol would be very proud. I am too. Love it!

  2. Hi, I found you through the blog hop. Now following you.Please stop by and say hi when you get a chance.
    Be sure and check out my new Blog Hop that we just started, It's Weekly Goals Link Up. It's a great way to stay on track. Have a great day. :) Here's the link in case you want to check it out. Thanks again.

    Also,My daughter, Kisha, also is taking over Fill In the Blank Fridays. The person doing it has decided she can't do it anymore so Kisha is now doing it. Her first one is today. Would love for you to join us there also. It's a fun one. Her blog is

    You can also go to her page and at the to sign up for a reminder on both of these each week
 Have a wonderful evening. :)



Will blog for comments! Talk to me.